1992 - Volume #16, Issue #6, Page #29
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On The Go Yield Monitor
First-of-its-kind yield monitor tracks yields on-the-go, allowing easy comparisons between crop varieties, fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides, rotational practices, etc."Other yield monitors mount on the combine unloading auger and measure yields only while grain is being unloaded," says Jim Bassett, president of Dawn Equipment Co. "Our monitor lets you see instantly the difference in yields between different parts of the field. It's accurate to within about 2 to 3 bu. per acre of corn."
The "HarvestYield" grain flow meter mounts on top of the combine's clean grain elevator and measures passing grain by calculating the force exerted against two stainless steel probes. It's hooked up to a monitor in the cab that provides instant digital readouts of yields in bu./acre.
"The only calibration data required is the test weight (pounds per bushel) of the crop being harvested. By knowing the test weight you can compensate for grain moisture content. You can use a standard sprayer monitor with it on the monitor in the cab. We offer adapters to plug into Micro Trak, Dickey-john, Raven, and Hiniker spray monitors. If you don't already have a spray monitor to use we offer a Micro-Trak monitor for about $200," says Bassett.
The yield monitor installs in place of an inspection door on top of the clean grain elevator on most combines. Mountings are available for most late model Deere and Case-IH combines and will soon be avail-able for other models. Case-IH 1600 series combines require cutting a slot in the top of the elevator.
The new yield monitor is compatible with AgriCAD agricultural mapping soft-ware that can be linked to a Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite. The system "paints" a color representation of the yields into a field map on a computer screen. The map is stored on a diskette, and can be printed out for later analysis.
The yield monitor sells for $695.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dawn Equipment Co., Box 497, 1210 East State St. , Sycamore, Ill. 60178 (ph 815 899-3296).
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