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Drive-Over Electric Fench Post
"Our new drive-over fence post eliminates the need to open gates or slide the wire down before driving over an electric fence, making it much easier to cross the fence," says Kenneth King, Hutchinson, Kan.
The fiberglass post is hinged at ground level. It connects to an auger flighting "anchor" that screws into the ground. You in-stall the post in the fence wherever you want to cross it. When the vehicle strikes the post the top part "breaks over", drop-ping the fence to the ground and holding the wire low enough so that the vehicle can't snag it. After the vehicle passes by, the tension on the fence causes the post to spring back up.
"The post is made from fiberglass so the wire won't short out," says King. "We sell it in a kit that includes the auger flighting anchor, post, and hinge. The post can be used with one, two, or three wires and is available in 48 to 60-in. lengths. A similar but shorter version is available for crossing fences under center pivot irrigation systems. The post is positioned 3 to 4 ft. away from the wheel track so that when the wheel hits the wire the post is pushed over."
Sells for $20 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kenneth King, 6003 E. Eales Rd., Hutchinson, Kan. 67501 (ph 316 663-1470) or Willy Kilmer (ph 913 262-1118).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3