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Corn Cracking Silage Roller Boosts Milkk Production
You can economically boost milk production with little additional effort with this silage processor from Renn Mill Center that's designed to crack corn kernels as it rolls silage.
The processor features the largest diameter rollers in the industry for the highest capacity and least horsepower requirements, according to the company's Doug Hilsabeck.
The 16-in. dia. rollers can process up to 2 tons of corn silage per minute and require only an 80 hp pto, Hilsabeck notes.
Farmers using the processor note an increase in milk production of up to 3 lbs. per day on one less pound of grain because cracking the corn and mixing it in with the silage makes it more palatable, he says.
The processor is available in four models, ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 (U.S.).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Renn Mill Center, R.R. 4, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada T0C 1S0 (ph 403 784-3518; fax 2060).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3