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Free Picture Placemats Promote Your Products
For your "city cousins" and other consumers who don't understand why food costs so much, the DuPont Company is offering a promotional, educational placemat entitled, "What's For Dinner This Year?".
The decorative placemat contrasts the amount of food consumed by a family of four in 1951, versus a similar family in 1980. The mat highlights the fact that only 17% of average family income is spent on food today as opposed to 23% in 1951.
The importance of crop protection chemicals is also illustrated. "We're trying to get across to people that we need crop protection chemicals to ensure a low-cost food supply," says DuPont's John Harvey.
Harvey notes that DuPont welcomes the opportunity to work with farm and ranch families who would like to have the free placemats made available for local farm-city breakfasts, luncheons, and dinners where they have the best chance of educating consumers about their food supply. Placemats are also available to schools. No minimum or maximum order is required.
Harvey notes that you can arrange to have placemats sent free of charge to interested groups or schools in your area. You may also want to contact local restaurant owners to see if they would be interested in obtaining mats. Posters and a movie on the same theme are also available on request.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agrichemicals Section, Public Affairs Department, DuPont Company, Wilmington, Del. 19898 (ph 302 774 9138).

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1980 - Volume #4, Issue #4