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Giant Land Roller Folds Up For Transport
"Our new low profile land roller folds for transport and is designed to flex over obstacles in the field which relieves stress on the frame and tires," says Roland Thiessen, Peace Land Fabricating And Supply Ltd., Hythe, Alberta.
The "state-of-the-art" 40-ft. roller is built in three sections equipped with 42-in. dia. drums. The center section rides on a pair of tires and there's a tire at the end of each out-side section. A pair of hydraulic cylinders is used to raise or lower the entire unit. In trans-port position the outside sections fold back behind the center section, with the tops of the drums only 5 ft. high. "The low profile makes it easy to see traffic behind you on the highway," says Thiessen.
The rig is designed so that the outside sections pivot freely up or down over obstacles without putting stress on the main frame. The key is a universal joint located on each outside section where it joins the main frame.
"It weighs 14,000 lbs. empty which is normally adequate. However, each roller section can be filled with water if needed," says Thiessen. "It takes a 100 to 160 hp tractor to pull it, depending on field conditions.
"It works great for going over hay ground in the spring to push rocks down. It also works great for rejuvenating fescue where you till the fescue, then roll it so it'll come back on its own the following spring. A lot of farmers also use it when seeding lentils."
Sells for $14,500 (Canadian).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roland Thiessen, Peace Land Fabricating And Supply Ltd., Box 331, Hythe, Alberta, Canada T0H 2C0 (ph 403 356-2200; fax 2822).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #4