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Cornstalk Cattle Shelter
Cattle stay snug and toasty warm inside this open-sided shelter made"for next to nothing" from bales of cornstalks, and poles cut out of the woods.
Duane P. VandeZande needed a place for his beef cattle to shelter during cold weather but he couldn't justify construction of an ex-pensive commercial shelter. Instead he went to the woods to cut wood poles and made a framework which he then covered with square and round bales made out of corn-stalks.
He put a row of large poles down the center and along either side, and then laid smaller dia. tree trunks at an angle from the sides to a center board at center. Then he laid a layer of square bales of cornstalks across the en-tire roof of the shelter. He closed in the back wall of the shelter with a couple rows of round stalk bales.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Duane P. VandeZande, Rt. 2, Box 104, Preston, Minn. 55965.

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #4