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Side-Dump Box For Bedding Freestalls
"I needed a way to bed dairy freestalls with sand," says Fred Hansen, who hit on the idea of building a "side dump" box that mounts on a flatbed trailer.
"I wanted it to be simple but it had to be able to dump out over the top of freestall dividers to get the bedding towards the front of stalls.
"The dump box can operate under a 9-ft. high ceiling, dumping from a truck or trailer bed about 4 ft. off the ground. It holds about 3.5 cu. yards of sand. The box is 8-ft. long.
For more capacity, it could be made longer or additional 8-ft. units could be mounted along with this one.
"The box is made from plywood mounted on a metal frame. The hopper hinges on a metal frame. The hopper is built at an angle and hinged so it reaches far out past the edge of the flatbed. Two hydraulic cylinders do the dumping."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fred Hansen, 3420 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa, Calif. 95401 (ph 707 523-0282).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #5