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Attachment Turns Loader Bucket Into Pour Spout
"Our customers say they don't know how they got along without it," says Dan Bow-man, representative of Jo-Da-Ly Attachments about the company's new "pour spout" attachment for loader buckets.
The adjustable spout simply hooks into an existing bucket with three pins. A sliding discharge opening adjusts from a 4 to 11 in. wide and a 36-in. removable extension can be added for increased reach. A 2 1/2 in. cylinder with 8 in. stroke raises and lowers the unit.. A rubber lip between the chute and cutting edge of the bucket seals the unit, which is equipped with a vibrator mounting plate for using a 12-volt vibrator to facilitate pouring less flowable materials.
Comes in three sizes - 60-in. wide for maximum capacity of 14 1/4 cu. ft., 66 in. for maximum capacity of 16 3/4 cu. ft., 73 in. for maximum capacity of 18 cu. ft. Sells for $2,150, $2,292 and $2,595, respectively.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jo-Da-Ly Attachments Inc., Rt. 1, Box 34 BB, Rosebud, Mo. 63901 (ph 888 563-2591 or 573-764-5099; fax 3487).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #6