1997 - Volume #21, Issue #6, Page #19
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Air-Powered Cattle De-Horner
Invented in Australia and recently introduced into the U.S. by Bar-F Manufacturing, Oklahoma City, Okla., the Bull-It-Proof de-horner runs off a gas or electric-powered air compressor or pneumatic truck brakes. Typically, it requires 80 to 100 psi's to remove an average size and strength horn.
Easily balanced in two hands, the 27-lb. unit features a cutting head that will handle a horn up to 3 in. in dia.
Its quick, close cut reduces blood loss and stress on animals, the distributor notes. Sells for $699.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bar-F Manufacturing, 1001 N. Morgan Rd., Oklahoma City, Okla. 73127 (ph 800 697-7453 or 504 324-9595; fax 9597).
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