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Slow Down Drive Wheel For Sweep Augers
When Kansas farmer and machine shop operator Max Day got tired of replacing the drive wheels on sweep augers in his grain bins, he sat down and designed a "slow down" wheel with a compact 126:1 gear reduction drive.
"It's 5 in. in dia. and 4 1/2 in. long and can be adapted to fit any existing sweep auger. It was a challenge to design because it consists of 4 sprockets and two pieces of double chain. It's a compact, self-contained unit," says Day, who notes that the wheel walks the auger slowly around the bin rather than spinning in its tracks which kicks up dust and wears out the wheel.
"I have one in a 90-ft. bin on a 45-ft., 7-in. dia. auger sweep auger. It works great," says Day, who's begun selling the wheel assembly for $88. Fits any sweep auger.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Max Day, Day's Welding & Repair, 315 W. 6th., Washington, Kan. 66968 (ph 913 325-3268).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #2