Old Water Bed Mattress Gets Water To Horses
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We needed a way to get water to horses out on pasture. I got the idea of using an old water bed mattress. I called the waterbed company to find out if anything toxic would be left inside the bed after using their anti-algae water conditioner. They said no. So I put the queen-size mattress into the bed of our pickup and filled it up. It looked like a huge rectangular blue balloon in the back of the pickup. The water bed nearly filled the 300-gal. stock tank.
I think the same idea could be used to water a garden, trees, or maybe as a small emergency fire prevention water tank. (Judith M. Sperling, 5090 W. Horseshoe Lane, McNeal, Arizona 85617 (ph 520 364-7764)
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Old Water Bed Mattress Gets Water To Horses LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules 21-6-34 We needed a way to get water to horses out on pasture. I got the idea of using an old water bed mattress. I called the waterbed company to find out if anything toxic would be left inside the bed after using their anti-algae water conditioner. They said no. So I put the queen-size mattress into the bed of our pickup and filled it up. It looked like a huge rectangular blue balloon in the back of the pickup. The water bed nearly filled the 300-gal. stock tank.
I think the same idea could be used to water a garden, trees, or maybe as a small emergency fire prevention water tank. (Judith M. Sperling, 5090 W. Horseshoe Lane, McNeal, Arizona 85617 (ph 520 364-7764)
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