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He Rebuilt 32-Ft Disk To Like New Condition
Guy Klosterman, Wahpeton, N. Dak., completely rebuilt his Bush Hog 32-ft. disk and added remote leveling.
Klosterman bought the 20-year-old disk used four years ago equipped with a manually-operated leveling system. The disk had new blades but the frame was broken. An-other problem was that the hitch was built too light. He removed the original hitch and used 4 by 6-in., 3/8-in. thick rectangular steel tubing to build a new hitch that's much wider than the original one. He used more 4 by 6-in. tubing to make new frame members that run from the front of the disk to the back.
The remote leveling system is controlled by a 4-in. hydraulic cylinder that acts on a pair of springs - a big one off a railroad hop-per car on the outside and a smaller one underneath it. The cylinder is attached to the rock shaft on the disk. A 1 1/4-in. dia. threaded rod runs through the assembly and is attached to the end of the cylinder. Spring tension is controlled by adjusting a nut at the end of the rod. To raise or lower the front end of the disk Klosterman simply flips a switch in the cab which raises or lowers the hitch.
"I saved a lot of money because a new disk of comparable size sells for about $30,000," says Klosterman, who paid just $2,500 for the used disk. "The remote leveling feature really works nice because when I come to hard gumbo soil, for example, I can transfer weight to the front of the disk. The new springs are twice as long as the original one so there's twice as much up and down stroke in the hitch. The remote level feature is a $1,600 option on new Deere disks. I spent about $500 on materials. I spent about six weeks working on it, but if I did it again it wouldn't take as long because I wouldn't have to do as much measuring and head scratching."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Guy Klosterman, 17545 74th St. S.E., Wahpeton, N. Dak. 58075 (ph 701 642-2726).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #6