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Plywood Shelled Corn Feeder
A sheet and a half of plywood is all it took for Harold Gibbs, Bernard, Iowa, to build a 30-bu. shelled corn feeder for his stock cows. It mounts on a 3-pt. round bale carrier behind his tractor.
The 4-ft. sq., 2 I/2-ft. high box has a 4-in. wide, 6-in. high opening in front that's covered by a steel plate attached to a steel rod that Gibbs can reach from the tractor cab. The box is nailed onto a pair of 4 by 6 skids that keep it off the ground.
The forward slope of the bale carrier gives the box enough slope to feed the corn out by gravity. It works better than using a gravity wagon because I can shut off the flow of corn at any time right from the cab," says Gibbs.
He wrapped steel bands around the sides to keep them from spreading. He also nailed short 2 by 4's into the front corners for reinforcement.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harold E. Gibbs, Coon Hollow Ranch, 7270 Bellview Cascade Road, Bernard, Iowa 520332 (ph 319 879-3271).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2