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World's Only Fish Retrieving Dog
When Michael and Caroline Ford went on a fishing trip last summer, they were astounded when their labrador retriever, Bertie, jumped into the water and hauled out a 9-lb. salmon that Caroline had just hooked.
The Fords live in Devon, England and were on a fishing trip to Scotland. They were fishing from the bank of a river when they discovered Bertie's remarkable new talent.
Michael has now trained Bertie to sit patiently until a fish has been hooked and be-comes tired. At that point Michael gives him the nod to dive in. "Because he's a trained shooting dog as well, he has a gentle mouth and does not damage the fish or the line. I use him instead of a net," says Michael, who is a farm consultant.
"He loves the water and shows no fear. He even dives under the surface to get the fish. Because he was originally trained to go in and fetch game, it all comes quite naturally to him," says Michael.
The Fords say Bertie first got interested in fish when he was a puppy. They were walking him along a river when an enormous neath the water.
salmon jumped up right in front of them. Ever since he's been interested in them and will stand in the river up to his belly for hours waiting for Michael or Caroline to get a bite.
(Photo and story reprinted from Farmer's Weekly)

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #2