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Corner Scraper For Truck Boxes
Being in the seed business, we used to clean out truck boxes between loads and that al-ways meant climbing over the sides of the raised box to get the last 10 bushels out of the corners.
Now, we use this corner scraper to make the job easier and safer. It consists of a 24 by 8-in. paddle cut out of corrugated grain bin steel. The T-shaped 7-ft. long handle is a piece of 3/4-in. dia. reinforcing rod and is fitted with a gusset between the handle and paddle. There's a hook near the paddle that we use to hang the scraper on the side of trucks.
Besides cleaning out boxes, we also use the scraper to level loads in bins and trucks. If your box has a hatch narrower than 14 in. you'll have to offset the handle in order to reach the corners of an 8-ft. box. (David Mol, Meadowbrook Farms, P.O. Box 3113, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada C1A 7N9; ph 902 894-3862)

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #3