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Combine-Mounted Weed Seed Collector
Here's a shot of the most beautiful red clover field you've ever laid eyes on. This near-perfect, weed-free field was made possible by my Combine-Mounted Weed Seed Collector that FARM SHOW featured a couple years ago (Vol. 20, No. 2).
The clover was in full bloom when this photo was taken last season. As you can see, there's virtually no evidence of weeds be-cause of my invention.
I've received calls from all over North America and even New Zealand and Holland since the article appeared in FARM SHOW. Unfortunately, with machines getting bigger and bigger, there seems to be very few who want to be bothered trailing a wagon behind their combine. It's actually not much trouble considering what you're accomplishing.
Just thought your readers might be pleased to see what my Weed Seed Collector can do. (G.C. Reicheld, Jarvis Hereford Farms Ltd., R.R. 3, Jarvis, Ontario, Canada N0A 1J0; ph 519 587-2200)

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #3