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Extender Rods Salvage Low Growing Soy Beans
John Chatt, Tekamah, Neb., recently won an inventor's award from Ciba-Geigy for the extender rods for combine row crop heads that he designed to pick up low-growing soybean pods.

Chatt modified the snouts of his row crop head: "I bent 6-in. long pieces of 3/8-in. rod łusing small electric fence posts łand welded them onto the tips of the snouts. The pieces can easily be adjusted so they almost touch the ground.

"For an investment of $10 to $15, hundreds of dollars can be saved by harvesting those soy-beans that would otherwise have been left in the field. Saving a bushel more per acre adds up to a lot of dollars."

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #3