1998 - Volume #22, Issue #4, Page #20
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Suction Boom Makes Tank Filling Easy
The patent-pending "Lazy Boom" is the brainchild of Charlie Berberat, who got tired of slogging around in mud to wrestle hoses into and out of water during spraying sea-son.
The Roblin, Manitoba, farmer built the 21-ft. long boom to fit the 12-ft. box on his 1974 International 1-ton truck. The truck is equipped with a 3 hp, 2-in. dia. suction pump and 1,250-gal. tank. The boom is constructed of 2-in. sq. steel tubing. Six hose carriers made from sections of 4-in. dia. pipe hold up to 3-in. dia. suction hose.
The boom mounts on the rear of the truck box on a hinge that allows it to pivot 180 degrees.
It's raised and lowered by a 1,500-lb. grain auger winch that's anchored to the side of the box.
The boom could be mounted on any truck or trailer and is light-weight enough that one person can easily attach and detach it.
"It takes all the work out of handling hoses. Plus, it prevents the possibility of theft of hoses and pumps left in dugouts during spraying season," says Berberat.
He sells the booms in lengths to fit any size truck or trailer box. Starts at $970 (Canadian). Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charlie and Claire Berberat, Box 657, Roblin, Manitoba, Canada R0L 1P0 (ph 204 937-4781).
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