1998 - Volume #22, Issue #4, Page #32
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Powerful Hand-Held Magnets
"They have many different applications and are built with quality," says Ralph Guynn, Durable Ralph, Inc., Harrison, Ark. "We've been selling them in local hardware stores for years but are just now marketing them nationally. These magnets are better quality than any similar magnet on the market to-day.
"They're handy for picking up nails from driveways and work sites and for picking up shop tools. When you're welding they can serve as a third hand by holding the object in place. They also work great for retrieving lost lures, fishing rods and reels, etc. We also offer a powerful 20-in. wide magnet that's mounted on wheels, with the magnet suspended from the axle. A bolt-on T-bar handle allows you to push or pull the unit for cleaning up construction sites, roofing projects, driveways, and many other farming and industrial applications. Magnet height is adjust-able."
Gwynn cautions that the powerful magnets must be kept away from computers and other electronic equipment.
The 50-lb. magnet sells for $13.95; the 150-lb. magnet for $19.95; and the 300-lb. magnet for $35.95. The magnet on wheels sells for $129.95. All postage is prepaid for delivery in the continental U.S. and Canada. All other countries add applicable S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Durable Ralph, Inc., 4369 Rock Springs Rd., Harrison, Ark. 72601 (ph 800 737-7878; fax 870 741-3888; E-mail: durable @oztech.com).
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