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Bucket-Mounted Bulk Seed Handler
"It's a simple, low-cost way for one person to handle large seed bags," says Gerald Coles, Murray, Ky., who built a bucket-mounted bulk seed handler out of scrap metal.
Coles mounted the bulk seed handler on the bucket of his Case 580B loader tractor. The unit swivels on a 3-in. dia. steel pipe that mounts inside a 4-in. dia. pipe. A 4 1/2-ft. long boom made from 3-in. sq. tubing is welded to the 4-in. dia. pipe and supports a two-armed steel bracket that's used to hold the bag. The bag's four straps are held in place by large nails that Coles inserts through steel tabs welded onto the ends of both arms.
The entire bracket is secured to the end of the boom by a pin which also serves as a hinge. The boom is also supported by a length of 3-in. angle iron that mounts along the top of the bucket and is secured to it by a pin. A pair of 17-in. long angle iron straps are pinned to the bucket-mounted angle iron as well as to the boom.
"I didn't weld anything to the bucket at all," says Coles. "There are three different hinge points so the bag always stays straight up and down as the loader is raised or lowered. Also, there's equal pressure on all four straps on the bags. I drilled extra holes in the bag-holding bracket that holds the bag and also in the bucket-mounted uprights so I can adjust the position of the bag. By pulling one pin I can remove the bag bracket from the boom. When used by itself the boom makes a good ęboom pole'. By pulling two more pins I can remove the entire unit from the bucket."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald L. Coles, 710 Midway Road, Murray, Ky. 42071 (ph 502 753-4661).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #5