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Livestock "Groomer" Attaches To Vacuum Or Garden Hose
Grooming horses, cattle, and household pets is easy with a rubber-bristled brush that fits on the end of a vacuum hose to suck hair off as it brushes.
The "Pet Vac" is made from soft rubber and attaches to your vacuum cleaner and is designed to loosen and remove excess hair, dirt, and dander from livestock and even upholstery. By using an adapter you can attach it to a garden hose and use it to massage and rinse dogs and horses. The brush loosens the hair and the water washes it away.
The product is not recommended for cats. Comes with a money-back guarantee. Sells for $19.95; adaptor sells for $4.95 plus S&H.
so that it can be vacuumed away.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pet Vac, Box 10100, Bradenton, Fla. 34282 (ph 800 449-2944; ph and fax 941 756-0380)

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #5