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Big Hay Inverter Doubles As A Rake
Today's self-propelled forage harvesters have big appetites that require big windrows. This new "side swing" 15-ft. hay inverter is equipped with a 12-ft. 6-in. wide pickup drum that allows you to "rake" hay or merge windrows without driving over the crop. It also inverts the hay at the same time so that it dries faster.
  The 2-wheeled rig has an enclosed pickup design which handles the crop gently and results in better leaf retention, says the company.
  "It fluffs hay for faster drying and is big enough that you can use it like a rake," says co-inventor Glenn Lesher. "It can be used to double windrows up to 16 ft. wide in a single pass. Another advantage is that it carries the crop instead of throwing it like a rake does which, along with the offset design, results in less loss of leaves. Another advantage is that it doesn't pick up stones like a rake does, which can damage the knives in choppers.
  A pto-driven hydraulic pump operates the conveyor belt and pickup. Two hydraulic outlets on the tractor are used to swing the header to either side and to raise and lower the header.
  Sells for about $17,500. A 12-ft. wide model equipped with a 9-ft. 6-in. pickup is also available and sells for $14,500.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Meyer Mfg. Corp., Box 405, Co. Rd. A, Dorchester, Wis. 54425 (ph 715 654-5132).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #2