Cement Mixer Quick Taches To Bobcat Skid Steer Loader
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Using a 50-gal. barrel I built a cement mixer that quick taches to my Bobcat skid steer loader. Paddles bolt to the inside of the barrel to mix the cement. The orbit motor (salvaged from an old combine) runs off skid steer hydraulics. To mount the barrel I used the spindle off an old wagon running gear. I left the wheel rim on and bolted the barrel to the edge of the rim. I used three pieces of 2 1/2-in. angle iron to make the paddles.
To make cement I drive the loader up to a pile of sand and load the barrel. Then I add mortar and gravel and mix it all together. I used it last summer to make foundations for two grain bins. One advantage is that when I want to dump cement I can drive the loader to the job instead of having to use a wheelbarrow. I've found that I can mix my own cement for less than half what I'd have to pay to have it delivered. It helps that I live only a half mile from a gravel pit. (Todd Stern, 18061 655 Ave., Darwin, Minn. 55324 ph 320 275-2823)

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Cement Mixer Quick Taches To Bobcat Skid Steer Loader TRACTORS Skid Steer Loaders 23-2-35 Using a 50-gal. barrel I built a cement mixer that quick taches to my Bobcat skid steer loader. Paddles bolt to the inside of the barrel to mix the cement. The orbit motor (salvaged from an old combine) runs off skid steer hydraulics. To mount the barrel I used the spindle off an old wagon running gear. I left the wheel rim on and bolted the barrel to the edge of the rim. I used three pieces of 2 1/2-in. angle iron to make the paddles.
To make cement I drive the loader up to a pile of sand and load the barrel. Then I add mortar and gravel and mix it all together. I used it last summer to make foundations for two grain bins. One advantage is that when I want to dump cement I can drive the loader to the job instead of having to use a wheelbarrow. I've found that I can mix my own cement for less than half what I'd have to pay to have it delivered. It helps that I live only a half mile from a gravel pit. (Todd Stern, 18061 655 Ave., Darwin, Minn. 55324 ph 320 275-2823)
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