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Tart Press Makes Short Work Of Baking
When I enlisted my husband to help me make a large batch of pastry tarts some time back, he got frustrated because it was such a finicky, time-consuming job. He said there had to be a better way and headed down to his workshop," says Caroline Booy, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  "After a few evenings work, he came up with a neat gadget that presses out tart shells quickly and easily. I went to work making all kinds of tarts and trying it out on all kinds of pastry. It worked so well we refined the idea and applied for patent protection. We made up 20 for a test market and everyone who saw them wanted one.
  "The Tart Press is a hinged contraption crafted from solid maple. Between the top and bottom halves are a set of dies that hold either the foil or metal tart forms. To make shells, all you do is make your pastry in the usual way. Then drop a tablespoon of dough into the tin or pan and insert into the Tart Press. The tart shell will be instantly ready to be filled and baked. No need for a rolling pin or messy, flour-covered counters. The tart press will produce about 40 shells in 10 min.
  "Our standard 3-in. Tart Press uses 3-in. foil tins and is our most requested unit. We also have a 1 3/4-in. press that uses a mini muffin pan to press out small shells for hors d'oeuvres. Our Sandbakkles press uses individual reusable metal tins. These tins have a fluted edge and can be used for Scandinavian cookies or to make 2-in. pastry shells. Our biggest press is a Small Pie Press that can be used to make 5-in. meat pies or, if desired, small 5-in. fruit pies. Church groups use this press to produce thousands of Pot Pies for their fundraiser events.
  "We have also put together a collection of recipies in a book called Tasty Tarts & Pies that features over 100 recipes of everything from appetizer tarts to butter tarts to fruit pies and savory meat pies.
  "My husband now works full time making presses and I work with him part time. Up until recently we have had a waiting list for our presses but we are beginning to catch up with production and are looking for a wider audience for our products."
  The Mini-Tart Press (1 3/4-in. dia.) sells for $29.95 (Canadian). A Tart Press (3-in. dia.) sells for $29.95. The Pot Pie Press (5 in. dia.) sells for $29.95.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Caroline Booy, Birds Hill Enterprises, Box 40, Grp. 374, RR#3, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2E7 Canada (ph/fax 204 669-4320).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #2