1999 - Volume #23, Issue #1, Page #29
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Farmall V-Blade Mounts On Pickup
To mount the 8 1/2-ft. wide blade on front of his 1981 Ford F-150 pickup with Super Cab, he used two school bus leaf springs. They bolt to plates on the blade and to the frame of the truck.
He mounted a 12-volt 6,000-lb. winch in the back seat of the cab and ran the cable through a hole he drilled in it out to a pulley mounted on a length of 3 by 3-in. birch bolted across the tailgate. A 1-in. dia. rope runs from the end of the cable, over the top of the cab, to the top of the blade where it attaches to a piece of chain to raise and lower the blade. That's done with a remote control located on the truck seat.
A tractor headlight mounts on the hood of the pickup because the 4-ft. high blade blocks the headlights. Chains are used on the rear tires to increase traction.
"I can plow snow at least 15 or 25 mph and clear my driveway in under 30 minutes," Myslicki says. "The best part is, it cost only about $500."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Myslicki, Box 54, Niton Junction, Alberta, Canada T0E 1S0 (ph 403 795-2564).
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