1999 - Volume #23, Issue #1, Page #38
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Modification To Worn Disks On Rotary Mower Conditioner
John Out, Enderby, B.C., Canada: "My 10-ft. 6-in. Deere 1360 rotary mower-conditioner is equipped with six cutting discs. Three of the discs rotate in one direction and the other three rotate in the opposite direction. When the discs wear out, I switch each one with the one next to it. The discs wear only on one side so this allows them to wear on the other side. As a result I get twice as much life out of the discs without needing to buy new ones, which sell for more than $100 apiece (Canadian). I think the same idea would work on any brand mower-conditioner."Click here to download page story appeared in.
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