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Robot Stock Dogs In Development
In many areas of the world, stock dogs do a wonderful job handling all kinds of livestock from sheep to cattle to poultry. There's just one problem. You have to train them, feed them, and keep them healthy.
  That's why several groups of British engineers have started working on "robot dogs" that will do the work of a stock dog with no needs other than a bit of electricity to recharge.
  Although still a few years away from reality, prototype units are already putting on shows. One robot called Rover is a low to the ground circular unit (see photo) that works like a dog except the farmer can control it with a hand-held remote. Another unit in development, called Roboshep, is actually a converted ATV and is fitted with a GPS system to guide it. It will be designed to watch flocks out on pasture, counting them continuously and herding them to new ground as needed.
  Robot dog projects are in the works at Cardiff University in Wales and at the Silsoe Research Institute in England which is coordinating work with three other universities.
(Reprinted courtesy Farm Equipment News, Auckland, New Zealand)

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #3