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Scrape Modified On 1993 Vermeer Super J Baler
Donald R. Nutt, Center, Mo.: "Hay kept wrapping on the spiral starter roller on my 1993 Vermeer Super J baler when it was first new. The problem was that the roller scraper was made of the same weight steel as that used on the company's smaller 4-ft. balers. It just was not heavy enough to stand the pressure in the new larger, 5 by 6-ft. balers.
  "To solve the problem, I reinforced the scraper with a 1 in. by 5-ft. piece of steel, 1/2-in. thick. I simply welded it to the scraper on edge to take full advantage of the 1 in. width. The modification gave me wrap-free baling ever since."

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #3