High-Lift Boom Handles Bean Seed Hopper
This home-built boom can lift 1-ton bags of seed up to 28 ft. high, says David Lashmett, Winchester, Ill., who mounted it on back of a 4-WD truck.
  He uses the high-lift boom to load seed beans into his grain drill. A telescoping plastic pipe adjusts to reach the full length of the bean hopper on the drill.
  To allow the boom to pivot, Lashmett mounted the base of the boom on a truck hub. It is welded to the truck bed. An outrigger that provides extra support rolls on a steel plate in the truck bed. A horizontal bar that runs across the base of the boom is used to turn the boom from side to side. To hold it in place, Lashmett has a small braking fork which he inserts into the base.
  There are two large cylinders on the boom. One at the base tilts the boom back and forth. Another, midway up the boom, raises and lowers the upper part of the boom. The seed box hangs by chains. The telescoping spout comes out of the bottom of the box.
  To hold the truck bed stable, Lashmett installed hydraulic stabilizers on each corner of the bed.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Lashmett, 905 Crabtree Lane, Winchester, Ill. 62694 (ph 217 742-3227).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #4