Ganged Mowers Cut 8-Ft. Wide Swath
"I got the idea because I have a 4 1/2-acre lawn. It used to take several hours to mow the lawn but I've reduced mowing time down to about 1 1/2 hours," says Grant Strong, who built a hitch to pull three push mowers behind his riding mower.
The three push mowers are hitched behind an MTD 46-in., 18 hp riding mower. A pull bar runs across the back of the riding mower. A 6-in. strap iron bracket attaches to the front of two push mowers. A 6-in. chain runs from each bracket to each end of the pull bar. The chains hold the front of the towed mowers about 2 in. off the ground so the wheels don't drag around corners and float over uneven ground. The third mower is attached by chain to a strap iron bracket on the back of the push mower on the left side.
Strong removed the handles on the push mowers for better clearance under trees.
"The four mower decks cut an 8-ft. wide swath," says Strong. "The trailing mowers move side to side with the contour of the ground without digging or gouging the lawn. I run the riding mower as fast as I can go and keep its tires soft to reduce the shock when going over bumps. I can cut right through 6-in. high grass with no problem. The pull bar on the riding mower is about 18 in. above the ground in order to hold the front two push mowers off the ground. The third push mower is also held about 2 in. off the ground. Each side of the pull bar contains a telescoping rod that's secured by a wing nut, allowing me to adjust the width of the pull bar for different mower widths.
"The hitches on the push mowers are about 3 in. above and 3 in. in front of the deck in order to keep the center of gravity high enough to prevent rollovers and to keep the mowers from hitting each other when turning or during sudden stops."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Grant Strong, 4491 W. 100 S., Wabash, Ind. 46992 (ph 219 563-7168).

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Ganged Mowers Cut 8-Ft. Wide Swath MOWERS Mowers (31H) 23-4-7 "I got the idea because I have a 4 1/2-acre lawn. It used to take several hours to mow the lawn but I've reduced mowing time down to about 1 1/2 hours," says Grant Strong, who built a hitch to pull three push mowers behind his riding mower.
The three push mowers are hitched behind an MTD 46-in., 18 hp riding mower. A pull bar runs across the back of the riding mower. A 6-in. strap iron bracket attaches to the front of two push mowers. A 6-in. chain runs from each bracket to each end of the pull bar. The chains hold the front of the towed mowers about 2 in. off the ground so the wheels don't drag around corners and float over uneven ground. The third mower is attached by chain to a strap iron bracket on the back of the push mower on the left side.
Strong removed the handles on the push mowers for better clearance under trees.
"The four mower decks cut an 8-ft. wide swath," says Strong. "The trailing mowers move side to side with the contour of the ground without digging or gouging the lawn. I run the riding mower as fast as I can go and keep its tires soft to reduce the shock when going over bumps. I can cut right through 6-in. high grass with no problem. The pull bar on the riding mower is about 18 in. above the ground in order to hold the front two push mowers off the ground. The third push mower is also held about 2 in. off the ground. Each side of the pull bar contains a telescoping rod that's secured by a wing nut, allowing me to adjust the width of the pull bar for different mower widths.
"The hitches on the push mowers are about 3 in. above and 3 in. in front of the deck in order to keep the center of gravity high enough to prevent rollovers and to keep the mowers from hitting each other when turning or during sudden stops."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Grant Strong, 4491 W. 100 S., Wabash, Ind. 46992 (ph 219 563-7168).
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