Household Thermometer Used To Detect Belt Slippage
"The main drive belt on my sugar beet defoliator costs about $400 so I came up with a simple belt slip monitor that tells me if there's a problem before a belt gets ruined," says Earl Riopelle, Argyle, Minn., adding that he thinks the idea would work to protect any expensive drive belt.
He bought an inexpensive indoor-outdoor thermometer and taped the sensor wire to a threaded rod that's clamped onto the machine's frame. The sensor is positioned about 1 inch above the belt and is protected by a plastic hose that Riopelle slid over the rod. The wire runs to the thermometer's digital display mounted inside the cab.
"It's a simple idea that can save a lot of money and time," says Riopelle. "The 4-grooved belt on my defoliator is 20 ft. long and 5 in. wide. Normally it will operate 30 to 40 degrees higher than the outdoor temperature due to friction. If the belt starts to slip the temperature rises rapidly and I should shut down the machine as quickly as possible. I think the same idea could be used on any machine equipped with expensive drive belts.
"I paid $10 for the thermometer."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Earl Riopelle, Box 11, Argyle, Minn. 56713 (ph 218 437-6481).
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Household Thermometer Used To Detect Belt Slippage FARM SHOP Handy Hints 23-4-40 "The main drive belt on my sugar beet defoliator costs about $400 so I came up with a simple belt slip monitor that tells me if there's a problem before a belt gets ruined," says Earl Riopelle, Argyle, Minn., adding that he thinks the idea would work to protect any expensive drive belt.
He bought an inexpensive indoor-outdoor thermometer and taped the sensor wire to a threaded rod that's clamped onto the machine's frame. The sensor is positioned about 1 inch above the belt and is protected by a plastic hose that Riopelle slid over the rod. The wire runs to the thermometer's digital display mounted inside the cab.
"It's a simple idea that can save a lot of money and time," says Riopelle. "The 4-grooved belt on my defoliator is 20 ft. long and 5 in. wide. Normally it will operate 30 to 40 degrees higher than the outdoor temperature due to friction. If the belt starts to slip the temperature rises rapidly and I should shut down the machine as quickly as possible. I think the same idea could be used on any machine equipped with expensive drive belts.
"I paid $10 for the thermometer."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Earl Riopelle, Box 11, Argyle, Minn. 56713 (ph 218 437-6481).
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