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Easy-To-Set-Up Raccoon Fence
After seeing a raccoon fence in the last issue of FARM SHOW (Vol. 23, No.4), Edward Jarrard, Washington, Iowa, sent us a photo of his easy-to-set-up electric fence.
  "It keeps raccoons, rabbits, skunks, and other small pest animals our of the garden. Sets up quick and easy and you can take it down fast," he notes.
  It consists of 2 1/2-gal. plastic herbicide jugs with the bottom one third of each jug cut off. He spaces the jugs evenly around the garden and drives a stake through the top opening and down through the bottom of each jug to hold them in place.
  Then he threads high-tensile electric wire through the handles on the jugs so they act as insulators.
  He uses a metal T-post to anchor each corner and a regular fence charger to power the fence.
  Jarrard says the fence has solved his problems with small pest animals. He's never had much of a problem with deer but notes that some people think a low-to-the-ground, nearly invisible fence can be effective against deer also. If they get shocked by the low-lying fence, they'll take off and not come back.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edward Jarrard, 2258 Riverside Rd., Washington, Iowa 52353 (ph 319 653-2925).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #5