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Corn Stalk Produces 14 Ears
If every corn stalk produced as many ears as the one which grew in H.G. Paschal's Fremont, Neb., garden this summer, we'd all have corn coming out of our ears.
The otherwise normal 7-ft. tall stalk produced a whopping 14 ears. The stalk apparently was "planted" by a squirrel who dropped the seed after raiding a bird feeder, says Paschal.
He notes that the stalk grew near his tomato plants so it probably benefitted from the fertile soil and extra waterings that the tomatoes received.
"They weren't big ears," says Paschal. "There were only a few developed ears and the rest were partially developed having just a few kernels."
However, those kernels were enough incentive for a squirrel - maybe even the same squirrel which planted the seed - to knock the stalk down to get a free dinner before Paschal was able to salvage any seed from the prolific plant.

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #2