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Do-It-Yourself Probe
New hay probes sell for $100 or more but Eckley, Colo., farmer Harry Walker says you can make your own for a buck or two.
  He simply sharpens a 36-in. long piece of 5/8-in. dia. electric conduit and then mounts it on the end of a 2-ft. long piece of 2-in. dia. pipe. The larger pipe has a screw-off cap on the end.
  He sharpens the end of the conduit at an angle like a vaccination needle. He shoves the probe into a bale to obtain a sample, then uses a wooden dowel to shove the sample into the bigger pipe. Once the big pipe is full, he takes off the end cap and pours the contents into a plastic bag.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harry Walker, 31975 Rd. T, Eckley, Colo. 80727 (ph 970-359-2392).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #5