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Oliver Repowered With Cat 3208 Diesel
Juhnke and his son Barry also replaced the Caterpillar 3150 engine in his 1972 Oliver 2255 tractor with a Caterpillar 3208 out of an old New Holland 70 Twin Rotor combine. "We made the conversion after the original engine wore out. It boosted the horsepower from 150 to 200 or so," says Juhnke. "The 3208 engine starts much better than the old one and has a lot of power for a 2-WD tractor. I paid $2,000 for the engine.
  "The conversion didn't require a lot of modification work because the engines are quite similar. The main difference is that the new engine is about a half inch longer. As a result the front motor mount for the old engine wouldn't fit so we had to use the one from the 3208 instead. Also, the engine's water outlet to the radiator wouldn't fit under the hood so we had to cut and weld it at a different angle.
  "The throttle linkage rod had to be straightened out and rebent in order to reach the new fuel pump on the 3208 engine and we had to slightly restroke the linkage. We also added two more V-pulleys to the engine crankshaft in order to operate a Gresen TB 12 Hydro Pump. We use the pump to operate a pair of seed drums on our International 500 16-row, 22-in. corn planter.
  "We bought the tractor used. The owner had already equipped it with two exhausts outside the frame in order to keep too much heat from building up under the oil pan."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Juhnke, 42118 273rd St., Parkston, S. Dak.

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #1