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"Tree Pusher Fork" Works Great For Clearing Trees
"I used to push trees over with the bucket on my front-end loader but pushing down some stubborn trees was hard on it. I got tired of repairing the bucket so I decided to come up with some kind of pusher," says Calvin Jackson, Chouteau, Okla., who ended up with what he calls a "tree pusher fork".
  "I've been using it for several months to clear land and I don't see how I could ever improve it. It'll pull the hole tree, including stump and roots," says Jackson.
  The V-shaped pusher is made from 1-in. thick steel plate. Key to its success is a 3/4-in. steel bar that's welded to the inside edge of the "V". It provides a good grip on the trunk without cutting it off. The "V" is angled at 30_.
  The tree pusher mounts on front of a 40-hp. dozer. "I've pushed out trees as large as 20 in. dia. with the dozer. I also put it on a 70 hp. farm tractor and it did a good job as long as it could get traction. Being able to get all the tractor front end weight on the tree trunk is the key to pulling out the tree so the hydraulic system needs to have good down pressure," notes Jackson, who says he tilts the fork down slightly as he pushes against the tree and then lowers the fork. Once the tree starts to pull out, he backs up, lowers the fork under the exposed roots, and pushes again while lifting so the entire tree comes out of the ground. Then he can use the fork to pick up the tree and move it to a pile.
  The tree pusher attaches to the loader frame with four pins.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Calvin Jackson, Rt. 2, Box 92A, Chouteau, Okla. 74337 (ph 918 476-5740; E-mail: caljack@viagrafix.net).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #1