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Yield Master "Dual Link" Plow
We were disappointed that more information about our tile plow was not included in your report on do-it-yourself drain tiling in the last issue of FARM SHOW. Our Yield Master "dual link" plow is built like ones used by commercial contractors but scaled down in size and it costs a lot less. It holds the grade better than most conventional tile plows and lets you easily change tile depth anywhere from 4 to 6 ft.
  It's available as a pull-type or mounted. At 11 ft. long, it's much longer than conventional tile plows so it can hold the grade much better.
  The vertical steel beam that supports the pusher plate has notches in it spaced 6 in. apart, allowing the knife to be hydraulically raised or lowered 6 to 12 in. at a time and locked into a new setting. You can use this feature to compensate for changing terrain or to keep from plugging up on corn stalks. It lets you plow at a 4-ft. depth and yet have the knife locked in at a 5 or 6-ft. depth.
  Our plow is competitively priced with other tile plows. It weighs 8,000 lbs. and can be handled by a 4-WD tractor. (Roger Pint, Winthrop Welding Works, Box 87, Winthrop, Iowa 50682 ph 319 935-3385)

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #1