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Rodent-Chasing Strobe Light Scares Pest Animals Away
"There's never been anything like it. It's unbelievable how well it works," says David Scheiding, manufacturer of a new pest-chasing strobe light that he says frightens away rats, mice, woodchucks, moles, gophers, and other pest animals.
  Scheiding discovered the strobe light's pest-chasing ability by accident. "We make warning lights to put on farm equipment and slow-moving vehicles. One of our customers was having a terrible time with woodchucks in a barn. For some reason, he got the idea of putting one of our strobes in the barn and was amazed to discover that the woodchucks took off immediately and never came back."
  Scheiding's mini strobes use a minimal amount of electricity, running continuously for 60 hrs. on a single D-Cell battery. But they generate a surprisingly bright 300,000 candle power strobe that's visible for up to 3 miles at night. It's so bright, in fact, that it hurts your eyes to look at it.
  In tests, the light has been effective at chasing away all kinds of smaller rodents, rabbits, squirrels, owls, and even larger animals, like coyotes and deer.
  "One light will protect a half acre plot," says Scheiding. "To protect a garden , we recommend hanging the light from a pole. For burrowing animals, you should place it right near the opening to tunnels, or even down in the tunnel or den. After a couple nights of the strobe, they'll disappear and you can turn it off until you need it again."
  Hunters have also found the strobe useful, notes Scheiding. He says you can use it to protect your kill by keeping scavengers away until you return. And the strobe will also help you find your way back."
  The rodent repellant strobe goes off 60 to 70 times per minute. The light itself is waterproof and comes with a 90 day warranty. Sells for $19.95 apiece plus $4.95 S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Davide Scheiding, B. Alert Inc., 8516 Graw Rd., Arcanum, Ohio 45304 (ph 937-884-9615; fax 7569; E-mail: samnsam@gte.net).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #4