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Toy Excavator With A Different Twist
"I've seen many different types of toy excavators but I feel that mine is different," says Glen Woodside, Thorndale, Ontario.
  "Other excavators I've seen have the bucket linked to the main boom so the only way to curl or dump the bucket is to move the ędipper stick' in or out. I developed a linkage system that allows the bucket to be controlled regardless of the position of the boom. I made the levers work the same way they do on real machines so while your little operator is having fun and improving his coordination, he is also training himself to be a backhoe operator.
  "The right lever lifts the main section of the boom and can be used to swing the body of the machine. The left lever is a wobble stick. Moving it sideways controls the bucket and moving it in and out controls the dipper stick (the outer section of the boom) just like on a real machine.
  "It also actually looks like an excavator. The ętracks' are made from pieces of 4 by 4-in. wood rounded at the ends and painted black. The body of the machine is made from layers of 2 by 12-in. boards, painted yellow and black.
  "This would be a great project for anyone to build. If there's enough interest, I'll put plans together."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen Woodside, RR3, Thorndale, Ontario N0M 2P0 Canada (ph 519 284-3509).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #4