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Exhaust-Powered Air Compressor
Rather than carry a bulky air compressor around to jobs, field service mechanic Andy Weenink came up with a way to use exhaust air from his pickup as compressed air.
    Weenink does a lot of work on baler knotters and needed a way to keep them dust-free. He also wanted to be able to blow out clogged radiators and clean off other equipment. In addition, he wanted a portable source of air to fill flat tires.
    He made a coupling device that goes between a garden hose and the exhaust pipe on his pickup. He started out using regular air hose but it was too restrictive, causing too much back pressure to the engine.
    When he first tried using the exhaust-powered hose to blow up tires, he had a problem. The engine kept stalling out. He solved the problem by installing a valve at the end of the hose that lets him release some of the exhaust while filling the tire. He can now blow up an average auto tire to 30 psi in about 30 seconds. If he closes the top at that point, he can pump a tire up to 37 psi before the engine stalls out.
    Andy has been using his exhaust air hose for 10 years and says it hasn't hurt his pickup engine at all.
    He sells the exhaust coupling for about $10 and the complete unit with tap and tire valve for about $30.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Andy J. Weenink, 412 Corcoran Rd., RD 5, Hamilton, New Zealand (ph 011 64 7 8259896).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #5