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Homemade T-Post Puller
I made a handy T-post puller using a couple pieces of 1 1/2-in. sq. tubing and a big barn door hinge. I used two pieces of square tubing 38 1/2 in. long. One is fitted with brackets that attach to the top of the other with a large bolt, so it pivots up and down to jack posts out. There's a 3 1/2 by 10-in. "foot" welded to the bottom of the other post to keep it from sinking into the ground. A large barn door hinge welds to the top piece, with one loose end hanging out over the end. I cut a hole in the hinge that fits down over the top of posts. As you "jack" up on the post, the hinge keeps dropping down the post. (Sent in by reader named Amos. No last name or address given.)

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #5