2001 - Volume #25, Issue #1, Page #06
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Trailer Tips Combine Head Up
"I built it for my Deere 653 6-row crop header. It lets me easily make repairs in the raised position so I don't have to lay down under it," says Kaderabek. "Tilting the header also saves storage space inside my shed."
The 4-wheel patent pending trailer consists of a cradle that bolts to the header and is then tipped up by a pair of 3 by 16-in. hydraulic cylinders. The cylinders are retracted so that a scissor frame tilts the header up to about a 70-degree angle. A pair of lock blocks are then used to hold the header securely in place.
"I recently used it to put a new floor under my header and it made the job a lot easier," says Kaderabek.
"I built it out of a used heavy duty wagon running gear that I bought from a neighbor. I spent about $2,000 on materials. I got the idea when a local farmer was killed a few years ago after he bought a new combine and was working on the corn head when it fell on him. I thought there had to be a safer way. The trailer could be made to fit any header."
Kaderabek is looking for a manufacturer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joseph J. Kaderabek, 713 Rd. 20, Ohiowa, Neb. 68416 (ph 402 295-2354).
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