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Solution To Broken Bolt Studs
A. Sanders, Bangor, Sask.: "I had a number of broken bolt studs that broke deep in a casting. I couldn't get a drill bit or even a center punch to stay put in the center of the stud. I solved the problem by drilling a hole slightly smaller than the stud all the way through the center of another bolt and tap threads into the casting to screw in the bolt. Then I slip a drill bit in through the bolt and drill out the stud. The bolt stays firmly in place and keeps the drill centered exactly so that it doesn't æwander' and damage the threads in the casting. This idea won't work if the stud breaks flush because you couldn't thread the bolt into the casting. I made a set of different size bolts with different size holes ranging from 1/4 to 3/4 inches in diameter."

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #6