Mailbox Stores Grain Moisture Tester
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A mailbox bolted to one of the legs on our 500-bu. hopper bottom grain bin serves as a handy place to keep our grain moisture tester. Grain is delivered from a dryer into the bin. It's unloaded out an auger at the bottom of the bin and into a grain cleaner. From there it's pneumatically delivered into a 10,000-bu. bin. I use the tester to check grain moisture every time a new load of grain is loaded into the bin. Not only is the tester always within easy reach but it's out of the weather, too.
Right next to the mailbox is another handy item û a signal horn that lets me know when our 5,000-bu. wet corn holding tank is almost full. I bought the 120-volt horn cheap from our local phone company. It's wired to a microswitch inside the tank, about 30 in. below the roof. When the horn sounds I know there's room for one more semi load of grain in the bin. The advantage of using a horn alarm is that it works day or night, unlike alarms that use a color change which you can't see at night. (Bruce Elliott, Elliott Brothers, 19477 N. 400th St., Montrose, Ill. 62445 ph 217 924-4350)
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Mailbox Stores Grain Moisture Tester GRAIN HANDLING Miscellaneous 25-1-35 A mailbox bolted to one of the legs on our 500-bu. hopper bottom grain bin serves as a handy place to keep our grain moisture tester. Grain is delivered from a dryer into the bin. It's unloaded out an auger at the bottom of the bin and into a grain cleaner. From there it's pneumatically delivered into a 10,000-bu. bin. I use the tester to check grain moisture every time a new load of grain is loaded into the bin. Not only is the tester always within easy reach but it's out of the weather, too.
Right next to the mailbox is another handy item û a signal horn that lets me know when our 5,000-bu. wet corn holding tank is almost full. I bought the 120-volt horn cheap from our local phone company. It's wired to a microswitch inside the tank, about 30 in. below the roof. When the horn sounds I know there's room for one more semi load of grain in the bin. The advantage of using a horn alarm is that it works day or night, unlike alarms that use a color change which you can't see at night. (Bruce Elliott, Elliott Brothers, 19477 N. 400th St., Montrose, Ill. 62445 ph 217 924-4350)
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