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Five Spike Bale Hauler
You've never seen a bale hauler like this new 5-spike bale hauler from England that has a loading arm for each bale.
The unit fits any flatbed wagon or wagon gear at least 48 in. wide. It can be extended to handle more bales and can be easily removed from the trailer or wagon gear by simply jacking it up off the trailer using the bale loading arms.
The unique bale hauler has a spike on each of two bale arms on each side and one at the rear. The operator firstloads the rear spike by lowering it and backing into a bale. Then he loads the rear spike on either side before loading the front spikes. As each bale is impaled on the spike, the arm is raised by remote hydraulic controls.
Bale spikes can also be used as booms to handle miscellaneous equipment and to haul rolls of drainage tile.
The hauler will handle 5 1,500-lb. bales and sells for $3,700.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sales Engineering Co., Drawer 838, Waycross, Ga. 31502 (ph 912 285-1061).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #1