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5th Wheel Blade Fits Semi-Tractors
There aren't too many jobs you can do with a semi-tractor other than pulling a trailer over the road. That's what prompted a Canadian inventor to come up with a new grader blade that attaches to the fifth wheel and is operated by air power.
Harold Harfman, president of Salmo Industries in Salmo, British Columbia, says the big, heavily-built blade is ideal for grading roads and moving snow.
"It's fully air-operated, controlled with 12-volt solenoids and pneumatic valves. Three toggle switches mount on a small control box attached to a cord that runs from the cab to the blade. The blade can be angled by the toggle switches to three positions going forward and three positions backing up. For highway transport, the blade angles straight backward to stay at legal width. It's also equipped with lights for road use," says Harfman.
Blade mounts like any 5th wheel trailer and is secured to truck frame with tie downs. The part that rests on the truck frame is rubber-lined. Takes less than 15 min. to hook and unhook blade from truck. Hooks up just like a semi trailer, with air lines and light cord. Blade travels up to 4 ft. above ground level and 10 in. below. It's spring loaded to prevent damage to truck or blade.
Harfman manufactures the blade and is also interested in selling rights to invention.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harold Hartman, Salmo Industries, Ltd., P.O. Box 205, Salmo, B.C. V0G 1Z0 Canada (ph 604 357-9452).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #4