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Root-Cutting Plow Help Grass Renovation
Anyone attempting to renovate brushy pasture and rangeland will appreciate Albert Sturm's root cutting plows.
Sturm, a Yorktown, Texas, cow-calf producer, wanted a simpler way to aerate tight range soils to get rid of brush that robbed him of grass for his cattle.
After a couple of attempts, he came up with an undercutter type plow he calls a Brushy Grass Renovator. It can be run about 8 in. deep to lift and drop soil back into place with minimal surface disturbance. At the same time, this plow cuts the roots of deeper rooting undesirable plants.
He makes three models of the plow with up to three sweeps. Each sweep has a coulter in front of it to cut a slot for the shanks to pass through. Sturm says the plow works best in short brush, or brush that has been shredded. It'll cut through roots up to 2 in. in diameter. A 60 to 90 hp tractor is required for the two-bottom plow. A three-bottom plow needs 90 to 125 hp.
For taller brush with thicker roots, Sturm designed a heavier Regrowth Root Plow. This plow is a single sweep, capable of cutting roots up to 3.5 inches in diameter at an 8 in. depth. He makes three models of this plow from 8 to 12 1/2 ft. wide.
He cautions about overpowering the plows. "The frame is built to handle an occasional stump, if the tractor isn't over-horsepowered for the plow," he says.
Both types of plow loosen the ground completely while leaving the ground firm enough for grass root survival during dry conditions. The Regrowth Root Plow leaves the soil surface slightly rougher than the Brushy Grass Renovator. Both have gauge wheels to limit the operating depth of the plows. Coulters on Brushy Grass Renovator plows have two springs for down pressure.
Prices range from $2,350 for the 2-bottom Cat. II Brushy Grass Renovator to $3,950 for the 12.5-ft. Cat. III single blade Root Regrowth Plow.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sturm Welding Works, 84 Green Acres Rd. Yorktown, Texas 78164 (ph 361 564-2186).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #2