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Parade-Goers Love "Ear Of Corn" Car
Kids and adults get a smile out of this huge, wormy "ear of corn" car built by Marvin Copenbarger, Mt. Auburn, Ill.
    He started with a stripped-down Case garden tractor. He fitted it with a set of metal rings, covered by a layer of thin aluminum which he then painted yellow and green. The ear measures 12 1/2 ft. long and 4 ft. in dia. There's a 4-ft. long worm crawling across the top.
    Every once in a while, along parade routes, Copenbarger pulls back on a lever which causes the front end of the tractor to rise up and do a "wheelie" while wiggling back and forth. He accomplished this action by mounting a frame on the back of the tractor, supported by a small caster wheel. The frame is fitted with 200 lbs. of tractor weights. When he pulls back on a lever, it slides the weights backward, raising up the front end of the tractor. If he puts the brakes on one wheel, the ear corn car then spins around.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marvin Copenbarger, 3100 N 1727 E Road, Mt. Auburn, Ill. (ph 217 676-4533).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4