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Make Your Own Live Trap
There are a lot of ways to build a live trap. Here's a design dreamed up by Pete Peters, Osler, Sask.
  The trap has a sliding door on one end that's held up by the tip of a 1/8-in. dia. steel rod that runs back to a plywood ramp. The ramp sits on the floor of the all-wood trap, balanced on a short piece of wood dowell. Bait is placed on the ramp so that when an animal enters, it pushes down on the ramp, pulling on the rod, which releases the trap door.
  To dispose of trapped animals, Peters covers the trap with a tarp and runs engine exhaust under it for several minutes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pete Peters, Box 166, Osler, Sask. S0K 3A0 Canada (ph 306 239-2045).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4