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Fence Post Birds Are Eye-Catching
Don and Marlow Krebs of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, keep some unusual birds in their yard. They require no feed or attention and they're quiet, too. They just sit atop fence posts and greet visitors by bobbing their heads up and down.
  The "fence post birds," are made from brightly painted plywood with necks made from spring steel.
  "They're simple, but eye-catching," Don Krebs says. "The wind bobs the heads up and down."
  They are nailed to the side of post tops along their driveway. The couple's son and daughter-in-law operate a go-cart track next to their yard, and many track patrons get a kick out of the birds.
  "They're not hard to make and they don't cost much," Don says, adding that he would be willing to make some up for sale if there's interest.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Krebs, Box 3448, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada T8L 2T4 (ph 780 998-2051).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4